The Return to Zdunska Wola…



The 4 Quadrants
The 4 Quadrants

“Return to Zdunska Wola”  shows, from my point of view, the  disappearance that occurred in 1942 with the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto by the Nazis and  the assassination  of almost my entire  Zdunska Wola family

This return and renewal was made possible by K’amila Klauzinska, citizen of the city,  (involved with the history of Zdunska Wola and Jewish studies),  who saw my work on Facebook and invited me to participate in the cultural and artistic events, this month, in the Museum of Zdunska Wola, by an exhibition of my works screened on TV…(see below the invitation).

This in some way summarize and  shows the path of return to Zdunska Wola 2014 of myself and my family , 72 years after 1942….

My works in this exhibition are not meticulous drawings, on the contrary thy  where created in moments of pressure of the events in 1941, but, by a person who lives  in 2014 and remembers his own fears as a child hidden from the Nazis for four years in Belgium (1940-1944).
Still the drawings are “ordinary” but supposedly created in Zdunska Wola 1941, 72 years back in time as if I where some kind of alien coming from the “Planet  2014 … ”

And Indeed my signature at the bottom of the works symbolize this: “2014………Z.W. 1941…..”name  of the work”,,,,,,, שלמה “… Something like a code or more exactly- a password to my past, named Zdunska Wola.


An untold story
An untold story

,THE invitation;

Dear ZdunskaWolers around the globe:

  1. The Second Festival of Three Cultures 3K will take place in Zdunska Wola on June 27-28. The Festival tries to include modern artists who represent three cultures: Polish, Jewish and German, so three cultures which used to live together in Zdunska Wola before the WWII. Especially the artists connected to Zdunska Wola are welcome. The Museum of Zdunska Wola together with the Cultural Center of Zdunska Wola and the Town Office will organize a gig in the garden of the museum. The following Israeli artists will be here with us: Music band Kerach Tesha. They will give only two gigs in Poland – the first one at Zdunska Wola Festival, and the second one at The Life Festival in Oswiecim where they will be supporting Eric Clapton and Polish music star Edyta Bartosiewicz:,53.html
  2. We wish to announce that during the Second Festival 3K the exhibition of Shlomo Korzac will take place in the Museum of Zdunska Wola. The exhibition will include also videoconference with Shlomo Korzac. Please visit Shlomo’s official website:

To see a short film on his works:


An Untold Story 2
An Untold Story 2

And a final word, a considerable number of the drawings are in a comic format  ….see here Art Spiegelman,  and here.