Israeli Ari Folman’s “Waltz with Bashir” at the Cannes Movies Festival

Israeli filmmakers and directors remove taboos from the Israel-Arab wars and see them as  valuable resources for anti war movies.The successful  Beaufort, Oscar nominated movie in the categories of the best foreign  movie, and now Ari Folman’s “Waltz With Bashir” at the Cannes film festival, explore the road taken by Stanley Kubrick in his anti war film “Path of Glory”  or Jean Renoir’s 1938 WWI drama “Grand Illusion“, citing here their more illustrious precursors.

Here is a quote from FRANCE24,
“Waltz with Bashir” is one of the most talked-about films in this year’s Cannes competition. The film is the first of its kind – an animated documentary. Folman brings to the screen his own experiences in the Israeli army 20 years ago, and revisits the 1982 Palestinian refugee massacres in Lebanon.Folman insists the film is not political, and that his aim is to show younger generations that “all wars are pointless.” see here.
Here below are some pictures from the movie and here is the site of the movie.
Here is a trailer on YouTube

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